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Intro To Coding (Updated)
Getting Started
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Getting Started
What is a programming language?
Session 1: Values, Variables & Printing Content
What is are values? What is a variable? How to print to the console?
Session 2: Primitive Data Types
Strings, integers, floats, booleans, math operators and logic operators
String interpolation
Session 3: Conditional Logic & Comments in Code
If / else if / else statements
Conditional operators & commenting your code
Session 4: Arrays and Array Methods
What is an Array?
Array built-in methods and properties (length, slice, splice, & indexOf)
Working with Nested Arrays
Session 5: Objects and Object Methods
What is an object?
Object built-in methods
Session 6: Functions
What are functions?
Global Scope vs. Local Scope
Challenges: Types
FirstName + LastName (Types)
Total Change Due (Types)
Convert to Hours (Types)
Mortgage Payment (Types)
Convert to Hours and Minutes (Types)
Right Triangle (Types)
SpaceX Countdown (Types and Loops)
Remove Zeros (Types)
Alphabet Code (Types)
Rectangle 1 (Types)
Gravity (Types)
Truthy Falsy (Types)
Session 7: Iteration
Using for loops and while loops
Iterating through Arrays and Objects
Infinite loops...oh my!
Challenges: Types & Control Flow
Average Velocity (Types)
Rectangle 2 (Types)
Illegal Word (Types)
Hot Potato (Types)
Caffeine (Types)
Can I go to the Bar? (Control Flow)
What's your Grade? (Control Flow)
Cold Enough? (Control Flow)
FizzBuzz (Control Flow)
Blackjack (Control Flow)
Detention (Control Flow & Loops)
Rivers (Control Flow)
CamelCase (Control Flow & Loops)
Presidential Info (Control Flow)
Challenges: Arrays & Loops
High Score (Arrays & Loops)
Last Four of Social (Arrays)
Two Strikes (Arrays & Loops)
Sum of the Negatives (Arrays & Loops)
Initials (Arrays & Loops)
Range (Arrays & Loops)
Back of the Line (Arrays & Loops)
Largest Error (Arrays & Loops)
My Coworkers (Arrays & Loops)
Repeated Characters (Arrays & Loops)
Hungry Hungry Hippos (Arrays & Loops)
Prime Numbers (Loops)
Session 8: Pseudo-coding & Getting Unstuck
Getting Unstuck / Debugging
Session 9: Working With Data
Data modeling
Solving Problems with nested data
Challenges: Objects
What's my GPA? (Objects, Arrays, & Loops)
Car Trip (Objects)
Current Grade (Objects)
Number of Characters (Objects & Loops)
Employee Data (Objects, Arrays, & Loops)
Session 10: Higher-Order Functions & Truthy/Falsy
What are higher-order functions?
Truthy / Falsy Values
Session 11: Recursion
What is Recursion?
Challenges: Recursion
Pyramid (Recursion)
Reverse Word (Recursion)
Greatest Common Denominator (Recursion)
Factorial (Recursion)
Fibonacci Sequence (Recursion)
Palindrome (Recursion)
What's Next?
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